All rates are per room, per night, including breakfast
Gold, Rose & Yellow - Superior Rooms from £230
Suite - from £250
Single Room - £135
Superior Single Room £150
All rates include breakfast and afternoon tea tray on arrival.

We recognise that, on occasions, guests will book accommodation and subsequently find that they are unable to travel. In these situations we ask that guests notify us of their need to cancel as soon as possible. We would respectfully remind you that a reservation constitutes a binding contract.
The deposit is a payment made to us to to keep a room available for you (turning away all other bookings) for the nights requested, and is not refundable if you cancel for any reason. Should you cancel within fourteen days prior to arrival, we will make every effort to re-let the room (which may not be possible due to available ferry space at that time). If we are unsuccessful in doing so, you will be liable for the full cost of your reserved stay. You are therefore strongly recommended to take out appropriate insurance for your protection.

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